Glossary C

Deutsch: Capa / Español: Capa / Italiano: Cappa

A cape is any sleeveless outer garment, such as a poncho, but usually it is a long garment that covers only the back half of the wearer, fastening around the neck..

Cape refers to a very soft leather much used for making comfort shoes. Cape leather is also used for gloves, hence it is also referred to as Glove Leather.

Cape Collar refers to a cape-style oversized collar. A Cape Collar is a soft, wide, circular Collar that covers the shoulders and the upper arms like a cape.

Cape Sleeve refers to a type of loose sleeve resembling a hanging cape.

Capelet Sleeve refers to a short Cape sleeve covering half the arm and the upper bodice. It is a ytpe of sleeve that falls several inches below elbow in soft flare

Car Wash Skirt refers to a type/kind of a skirt with multiple splits.

Car Wash Skirt is also spelled as Carwash Skirt..

Caraco refers to a gown cut off at hip level to form a sort of short, peasant-type, loose Jacket with wide revers.

Caraco also refers to a Jacket of many different styles worn betw

Deutsch: Karbatin / Español: carbatina / Português: carbatina / Français: carbatine / Italiano: carbatina

Carbatine refers to a type of soft, unstructured shoe made from a single piece of leather, originating in ancient times. This shoe style was typically worn by peasants and common folk in various ancient cultures, including the Romans and Greeks.