Glossary S

Sock Liner refers to the insole which is inside of a Shoe that the foot rest on.

Sole leather refers to a heavy, cattle hide leather used for the soles of shoes.

Deutsch: Etwas Anderes / Español: Algo Más / Português: Algo Mais / Français: Quelque Chose d'Autre / Italiano: Qualcos'altro /

Something Else refers to an Australian woman's fashion label under the helm of seasoned Melbourne-born designer and artist Natalie Wood who is also the Creative Director of clothing label Insight, as well as the former founder of cult-label Sample.

Sonic Weld Logos is a Clothing term referring to a type of Logo treatment, where the graphic is applied without the use of stitches. A direct injection of material is applied to the f

Sou'wester refers to a waterproof Hat with a very broad rim behind that is worn especially by seamen.

Soutache refers to a woven, Satin Braid used as a decoration for dresses and suits.

Soutache is also called Ribbon Lace.

Souvenir Jewelry is usually a costume/fashion jewelry specifically produced tourists as a remembrance of their trip in a certain place. Some examples of Souvenir Jewelry are: pins

Space Dyed refers to a technique of yarn dyeing to produce a multi-color effect on the yarn itself. Space Dyed is also know