Glossary B

Band collar refers to a ytpe of Collar that stand up straight and encircles the neck,, to be buttoned in the front.. Band collars originally served as the point of attachment for remov

Band of Outsiders refers to an estabished American Clothing brand founded by former Hollywood agent Scott Sternberg in 1994 in Los Angeles. Band of Outsiders is contextualised in the

Bandeau Top refers to a band-shaped or tubed-shaped top covering specifically the breasts.

Bandeau Top is also known as Bandeau, Tube Top or Boob Tube

Banded Self Collar refers to a type of Collar made of the same material as the shirt. The two basic kinds of this Collar are the: (1) simulated collar, made of two pieces;; or the

Banded Sleeve refers to a ytpe of sleeve which has a finished edge that makes the edge of the sleeve fit a bit closer.

Banded Under Wire refers to a bra with a banded under wire which has an extra piece of fabric below the under wire to give

Bandhni Print refers to a pattern/print commonly used in Northern India on the fabric which gives a tie-and-dye effect.

Bandolier refers to a Belt worn over the shoulder and torso rather than around the waist.