Glossary C

Cairngorm refers to the yellow-brown Quartz stones from a mountain range in Scotland and found in Victorian Pebble jewelry. Since demand exceeded the supply, the term was also used fo

Calash refers to woman's folding, hooped hood that was worn in the 18th century

Calash is also known as Caleche.

Caleche refers to a Perfume designed by Hermes and launched in 1961. It is also the first Perfume marketed among Hermes perfumes. Caleche is a beautiful floral -aldehyde women's frag

Call Time refers to the time a Model is expected to be on set. For models, it is always a good idea to always arrive earlier than the required call time given, maybe about 15 minute

Calluses refer to a firm, rough patch of skin that develop from overuse or irritation, most particularly found on the feet which can be softened with soaking and pumice.

Calluses a

CAM refers to Computer Aided Manufacture - the use of the computer to aid the manufacturing process.

Camail also known as Aventail refers to a Mail Collar hanging from a helmet. Mail is a type of armor or jewelry consisting of small metal rings linked together in a pattern forming a

Cambrelle® refers to the Camtex Fabric Limited's brand of Nylon material used in the linings of shoes. Keeps the foot dry and comfortable. It is completely breathable and rapidly abso