Glossary S

Spanx is the short name or slang for Spandex.

Spat refers to a short gaiter worn over the instep and reaching a little way above the ankle, worn to keep trousers or stockings clean, especially when riding.

Spat is an abbrevia

Specialty Modeling is also known as Parts Modeling, wherein a Model only shows or models certain part(s) of his/her body,, such as, fingers, hands, legs, ears, lips, eyes, backs. Anyt

Spectator refers to Shoe design that is characterized by two (2) materials, often of different colors or materials, with an edge of the dominant color having a pinking edge exposed,

Spectroscope refers to the instrument used to view the absorption spectra of gemstones. Likewise, a Spectroscope is an instrument that measure the absorption of light in a material a

Deutsch: Gespalten / Español: Dividido / Português: Dividido / Français: Divisé / Italiano: Diviso /

In the realm of fashion, split refers to a design or style element where a piece of clothing or an outfit is intentionally divided into separate sections, often creating an asymmetrical or unique visual effect. This article explores the significance, application areas, numerous well-known examples, and potential risks associated with the use of splits in fashion.

Split Leather refers to a soft, suede -like leather that is made from the lower layers of a hide that have been slip away fr

Sporran refers to a decorative pouch, serving as a wallet, worn in the front and below the Waist of a kilt. It is hung from a Belt or chain and made of fur or leather and silver.