Glossary B

Body Jewelry refers to the jewelry worn on various parts of the body including the eyebrow, lip, nose, belly button, nipple, cheek, labret, bridge of the nose, and more.

Body Shirt refers to a a snug or close-fitting shirt or blouse which have a shape and seams that follow the contours of the body;; a woman's close-fitting Top made with a sewn-in or

Bohemian refers to a trend that connotes a free-spirited attitude toward fashion; with feminine details, including flounces, ties, ribbons, ruffles and embroidery, combine with float

Bolo Ties refer to a Thin rope of leather worn like a lariat, Draped around your neck and held together in the center with a fancy clip like turquoise stones, steer heads,, eagles, or

Bomber Jacket refers to the Waist length Cropped Jacket with a rounded or puffed out body.. Large but fitted arms are elasticated at the wrist, sporty looking often with zip fastening

Bonding refers to a technique used to attach hair extensions. Hair wefts or single strands or hair are attached with an adhesive or a glue gun.

Bonnet refers to a (chiefly) Scottish term for a man's or boy's cap. It is described as a brimless Scotch cap of seamless woolen fabric; a cloth or straw headgear which is often bri

Tube Top refers to a band-shaped or tubed-shaped covering for the breasts.

Boob Tube is also Known as Bandeau, Bandeau Top or Tube Top.